Entry #8: Dear Couch Potatoes, Don't Get Too Comfortable.

 Hello everyone, you may have heard the term "consumerism" thrown around, but do you know how it affects you? Today, consumerism is not just about buying stuff. It encompasses our attitudes, behaviors, and values along with purchasing goods and entertainment. In this fast-paced world of technology, we want everything fast and easy. We order food, groceries, and clothes online. We have gadgets to do most of the work for us. While this convenience is nice, it's also making us lazy, which I, myself, have realized and caught myself indulging in as well.

A common thing that most of us do is order takeout instead of cooking healthy meals for ourselves. We sit on the couch for hours watching TV instead of getting out and getting some exercise. We spend our free time scrolling through our social media feeds. All of this makes us forget about the value of hard work. It may not be that great to have everything at our fingertips! We become addicted to convenience, got comfortable, and it's making us apathetic.

I've noticed fairly recently that me and my friends that I talk to feel almost the same about our lives. We discussed about how non-productive we feel. This feeling just makes us miserable and it compels us to compare ourselves to others. I would constantly be left feeling like I wasn't enough and I was wasting my life away. Growing up, I would see how my parents worked hard to get where they were, when times were different. They didn't have the lifestyle that I am growing up with. They had a less comfortable lifestyle, which forced them to work harder than I. I don't believe that just because we live in a society now where we can get anything we want super conveniently that we should just abandon trying to commit to hard work. That's why I now feel like I need to do something productive with every day. I believe being productive can lead to a great sense of happiness and achievement. I'm not saying you can't have leisure time, but just don't get too comfortable to the point of unhappiness or irresponsibility. Don't be a hermit either.

We all have to ask ourselves, what is the cost of comfort? What does it cost to take the easy route? Our health, productivity, and happiness are all affected by our lack of effort. We have to remember that we need to work hard to be successful. Hard work may seem difficult at first, but it pays off in the end.

So, dear couch potatoes, don't get too comfortable. Get up, get active, and take control of your life. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it. I know you'll look back and enjoy it!


  1. Hi Benny. I completely agree with you about being couch potatoes. Sometimes I sit in one place for too long and I become like a zombie and not want to do anything. It's important to get out and get exercise; not waste your life on the couch. Also, I loved your picture. It's perfect for your topic. Great work.


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